Coming Soon!

What Is The Book About?
The Unmasked Truth explains and confirms with real life examples, in an easily accessible and non-frightening way, that "dark energy" is real and that it causes or contributes to significant suffering for many people. Dark energy is rarely considered as the root cause when trying to overcome suffering. Becoming aware of what dark energy is and when it is exerting an influence lets one bring tools and techniques to bear to mitigate its influence and to alleviate suffering. The Unmasked Truth explains what dark energy is, how it can influence a situation, how to become aware of it's influence and, importantly, what one can do about it.
How can I be involved?
In the relatively near future we will be asking subscribers to vote on the book's cover. We will also be seeking individuals to read and evaluate this book. It is a very easy read of 100-130 pages dependent on layout. The typical read time is 2-3 hours. The Illuminated Path will provide a yet to be determined valuable gift package for your feedback. This will require an electronic written review on sites like Amazon and others assuming you think it is warranted of course. It would be amazing if you are interested in working with me on this! Full details will be forthcoming. Contact Rich if you are interested!
Book Status Indicator

Why It Matters:
In my experience even when focusing on applying Universal Laws and Spiritual Principles to your life, dark energy's influence can be so significant that it mitigates or completely nullifies the other positive efforts you are making.
Early along my conscious spiritual path I just wanted to feel good. That led me to learn about energy. I was amazed to learn that unresolved personal energetic issues significantly contribute to feeling bad.
My desire to feel good surprisingly also led me to learn about dark energy, the subject of this book. Since there is little information about this topic and due to experiencing profound improvement when resolved, I feel it would be a significant disservice to withhold this information from you.
It seems to me historically the understanding of dark energy and its potential influence on humanity has been shrouded in ignorance. There has either been a literal lack of knowledge or those who have had the knowledge have not been willing to share it due to the perceived negative personal, societal and / or spiritual ramifications.
How would you like to change that? This book demystifies this real issue in a very practical way. You will not only be armed with knowledge to prevent negative influence but also learn very practical tools and methods to resolve it should it be encountered. You have the power and ability to minimize dark energy’s impact on your earthly and spiritual journey.
You truly can uncover your natural Peace and feel good by default. The information in this book may help you to put this final piece into place so it is not only possible but sustainable.
The information contained within the book is wrapped in Love and Light and intended for your highest and best good. Here we go! Woohoo!