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Recommended Reading
Neither Rich Hamm nor The Illuminated Path receive any financial benefit for sharing these titles. They are offered simply because I (Rich) found them to be very helpful along my path. All titles may be found on Amazon and likely wherever you purchase your books.

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What Is The Book About?
The Unmasked Truth explains and confirms with real life examples, in an easily accessible and non-frightening way, that "dark energy" is real and that is causes or contributes to significant suffering for many people. Dark energy is rarely considered as the root cause when trying to overcome suffering. Becoming aware of what dark energy is and when it is exerting an influence lets one bring tools and techniques to bear to mitigate its influence and to alleviate suffering. The Unmasked Truth explains what dark energy is, how it can influence a situation, hot to become aware of it's influence and, importantly, what one can do about it.
Why Does It Matter?
In my experience even when focusing on applying Universal Laws and Spiritual Principles to your life, dark energy's influence can be so significant that it mitigates or completely nullifies the other positive efforts you are making. Click here for more details!

Law of Attraction / Power of Focus


Spirituality (Con't)

How Presence Minimzes Suffering

The Power of Belief & the Role of the Subconscious. How To Change Limiting Subconscious Beliefs.
Bruce Lipton - Scientific Approach
Anita Moorjani - Personal Experience
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