Many people visit The Illuminated Path in search of information on how to apply The Law of Attraction to their lives. Therefore, I thought it may be helpful to offer a short checklist on how I have found is best to work with this Law and to manifest your desires.
Believe the Law of Attraction is Real.
The first step is to believe the Law of Attraction is actually a law of The Universe. You have to be audacious enough to actually “step into” this being a Truth and reality. This first step asks you to have the faith that what you are being told is true; that it is actually Truth.
Consider that you are an aspect of the Great Creator. You are created in his image. This means that you have the same ability to create. Source created the Law of Attraction so that you could create whatever you desire. Your trust is not misplaced. The Law of Attraction is one of the many Truths of The Universe.
Be Clear on What You Desire.
Its necessary to know what you want as opposed to what you don’t want. Many say, “I just don’t want fill in the blank,” However, that produces the very thing that isn’t wanted.
The reason for this is your focused thought creates a corresponding energetic vibration within you that is tuned to, “what isn’t wanted.” Since The Universe responds to your vibration, what is attracted then is what isn’t wanted. Therefore, it is important to be clear on what is actually wanted.
Know That It is Done Now.
Once you are clear on what you want, it is important to maintain the positive expectation and knowing that it is coming to you now. This requires playing a game with yourself of sorts. You will initially still be living in your old paradigm as it takes a while in our physical world for things to manifest. So pretend you are already "there" now in your mind's eye. You might even be able to "act as if" you have already received what you want.
One example of this, years ago I wanted a new car but was not in a position to afford it. I decided to "act as if" my old car was my new car. I started to wash and wax it every week while keeping the interior vacuumed and wiped down. By the time my new car arrived in roughly six to eight months, which it did, I was now in love with my old car. Huh? Interesting about perspective. But I was also very grateful to receive me new one too!
So, despite what you see in your current outer world, you have to know and expect “what you want” is making its way to you now; it is! Consider figuring out the best way for you to "act as if" it has already happened. Its a fun exercise.
Affirm & Visualize.
There are a few reasons to affirm and visualize what you want. First, this helps to tune your energetic vibration to what is wanted. Secondarily, you are retraining your subconscious to support the new way of being that you are seeking.
As often as you can, close your eyes and allow yourself to feel what it will be like to have what you want. Go into as much detail as you can. Feel the feelings of how it will be to have what you want. Besides feeling really good, you are literally sending a vibrational message to The Universe.
Making positive affirming statements also helps tune your vibration while retraining your subconscious.
It is important to make affirming statements in the present tense. Also, avoid using negatives within the statement, as the subconscious doesn’t hear the negative.
For instance, here are some examples of affirming statements. Note that statements preceded by “I am” are that much more powerful. For instance, “I am abundant. I am healthy. I am whole. I am strong. I am powerful. I am loving. I am smart, I am worthy, I am healthy,” etc.
An example of using a negative within an affirmation would be, “I am not poor.” Two problems within this statement. The subconscious hears, “I am poor.” Also, the statement focuses on being poor as opposed to the opposite positive statement such as, “I am wealthy.”
Maintain Awareness / Cancel Contrary Thoughts.
It’s necessary to maintain awareness on just what it is you are thinking as your thoughts are creative. Thoughts, thought over and over again, create the vibration that matches your current experience. It is quite likely you will continue to think the thoughts you have always thought unless you pay attention to what you are thinking.
When you notice a thought that clearly opposes what you know to be your desire, say, “Cancel that thought!” And then replace it with a thought that is in alignment with an affirming statement as described above.
Money is an easy example. If you don’t have money, you may find yourself saying, “I’ll never have enough.” But because you know The Law of Attraction is real, you can first notice your thought, cancel it, then affirm to yourself something like, “That is my old experience. I know things are being lined up for me right now. The Law is real. What I want is coming. I am abundant.” In this way you are affirming to yourself, The Universe and to your subconscious that you are dedicated to this process and know it is all working; it is!
Surrender the How.
Almost as difficult as being audacious enough to believe all of this is real, is the need to surrender the “how.” Only The Universe knows ultimately how you will receive what you want. Our egos really like control. But trying to figure out “how” can slow the process down.
Therefore, your job is just to:
a) Have the desire.
b) Tune your energetic vibration or state-of-being to match that desire.
c) Maintain the positive expectation that “what you want” is on its way.
Then wait. The rest is up to The Universe. If you tune your vibration to match what you want, what you want will come.
Keep it to Yourself.
As you are focusing on your new desires, your new way of being, keep it to yourself. You likely will be really excited to tell others everything you want is on its way to you right now. (I know! It IS exciting!)
Unfortunately, because not everyone has the understanding of this law and may not be ready to hear it yet, or apply is consciously, it is quite possible their response will be negative. This can stall or stop your momentum dependent on how much you take their negative response to heart. This is all about you. If you believe it will happen, it will. If you believe it won’t happen, it will.
In order to maintain your own positive outlook, its better just to show others your improvement after it happens. Then you might even have the opportunity to explain how it worked for you. This will be an incredibly powerful conversation.
Stay Aware & Watch for It!
From the start of this process, recognize when your desire(s) are being manifested. Want more money? Perhaps you received a coupon in the mail allowing you to buy something you really wanted. Perhaps you received a small amount of money that you hadn’t expected. Maybe you were given a small (or big) raise or have another totally different money-making opportunity that has presented itself.
Whatever it is, celebrate all movement toward “what you want,” no matter the size, with gratitude. These are indications you are tuning your vibration to being a match to your overall desire! By celebrating your successes with gratitude, you are reaffirming your desire to The Universe, while maintaining your commitment and knowing it is all on its way. Soon you will fully manifest it!
Apply these eight steps to manifest whatever you desire: Know the Law of Attraction is real, be clear on what you want, know that it is done now; stay focused on it, surrender the "how," cancel contrary thoughts, visualize and affirm it, maintain positive expectation that it is coming and watch for the results. You can totally do this! I'm so looking forward to hearing about all of your successes! Here we go! Woo-hoo!
Peace, Love & Light!
For a little more in-depth information about the Law of Attraction and your attraction point, see: https://www.theilluminatedpath.org/the-law-of-attraction-video