Pursuing Your
Natural Peace
Energetic Reset
It is totally possible to uncover, experience and sustain your natural Peace or high vibration! As with all growth and development, it requires each of us to be willing, involved, and engaged in the process.
The energetic debris that each of us carry is layered much like an onion. While it generally takes some time to resolve all of the heavier, unhelpful energies, it is possible to significantly improve how one feels by accomplishing an "energetic reset."
What is an "energetic reset?" Well, being led by Spirit, the currently active unhelpful energies in the outermost onion layer can be identified and resolved quite readily allowing the person's personal vibration to rise and their overall "feel good" to improve.
I was assisted for several years as I resolved the unhelpful energetic debris that I had accumulated over the years. The coaches that I worked with taught me the resolution techniques and I developed others that I am now glad to share with you.
Information is received using Applied Kinesiology, otherwise known as muscle testing, and supported by other spiritual senses. Then we work with the spiritual level to assist you in resolving each unhelpful energy that comes up for your highest and best good and the highest and best good of all concerned.
This isn't "talk" therapy and actually requires little input from you. Mostly we rely on your awareness as you notice the shifts that occur.
Discussion throughout provides tools and techniques about how to sustain the improvement with the ultimate goal of you learning to resolve issues for yourself in real time.
I get it! I have to tell you, when my coach originally shared with me how unseen heavy energy can be the root cause for not feeling good, I frankly thought he was CRAZY. But at that time, I had exhausted all other options and needed to try something different. From the beginning I was SHOCKED at my experience as the improvement was so dramatic.
The cost is $75.00 / hour, US Currency. Sessions are typically one hour long. Payment can be made via PayPal or Venmo.
I encourage you to look at the energetic root cause for not being at Peace and feeling good. I'd be honored to help you explore this if you are interested! Email rhamm@theilluminatedpath.org to request an appointment. I'm quite confident you will experience improvement. I look forward to hearing from you!
Peace, Love & Light!